Think Canadian ETFS.

Canadian domiciled and Canadian listed ETFs are better suited for Canadian residents because it is not considered U.S. property and you benefit from Canadian listed ETF tax advantages.

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Question: Should a Canadian resident purchase Canadian or U.S.-domiciled Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)?

Are you a Canadian resident who has the option to buy either a Canadian-domiciled ETF or a U.S.-domiciled ETF with the same underlying portfolio manager?

(Domiciled means where the funds originate, ie. their country of origin.)

With ARK Invest you have access to both families of ETFs. Even U.S. listed ETFs can be purchased in Canada, even though U.S. non-registered sub-advisors can not promote funds in Canada.

Emerge Canada created the Emerge ARK ETFs with ARK Invest as the sub-advisor in both a US$ version and CAD$ version to solve this problem and create a better ARK Invest opportunity for Canadian investors in Canada.

Why Buy Canadian?

Canadian-domiciled and Canadian listed ETFs are better suited for Canadian residents because it is not considered U.S. property and you benefit from Canadian listed ETF tax advantages. For more information on the tax implication of buying U.S. listed ETF as a Canadian resident please see below for a short webinar and our tax fact available to download.

Watch Now: Emerge ARK Innovation Review with Special Tax Segment

On May 18th, 2021, our CEO and Founder, Lisa Langley, sat down with Dr. Dean Smith of Cadesky Tax to discuss the tax implications of investing in U.S. ETFs. Some of the questions asked and answered in this video:

  • Are there any differences if U.S listed ETFs are held within an RRSP or TFSA?
  • If U.S listed ETFs have foreign assets, does that complicate the tax process further or is that still considered to be foreign status property?
  • Will a Canadian resident who invested in U.S ETFs be subjected to foreign currency gains or losses?
  • And more!

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Ready to learn more about the innovation opportunity with Emerge Canada Inc and the Emerge ARK ETFs?

Simply submit the form and lets talk about how you can start thinking Canadian and thinking about Canadian listed ETFs.